Advanced and "true" collaboration in Engineering and Construction

  • True digital collaboration into Microsoft Cloud and Autodesk CDE
  • Collaborative editing of fully digitalised deliverables realised on the internet between many business partners
  • All of the design and document management commercial tools available through the enterprise portal
  • Fully centralised control of "commissioned orders" lifecycle and workspaces permissions, under the Project Management Office control
  • Fully integrated flow of costs and worked hours

Peritiae in the Simplification and Digitalisation Unit of the Italian Government

Appointment decree

Today the Minister of Public Administration of Italian Government, the professor Renato Brunetta, nominated dr. Gianluca Baratti, partner of, member of the Unit for simplification and quality of regulation of the Italian government.

Gianluca Baratti is Lead Architect at European Commission

Peritiae is honored to confirm that Gianluca Baratti, partner and founder, is supporting the UE Commissione Division "DIGIT.D2 Interoperability" and Deloitte Consulting as Lead Architect for European Interoperability Architecture. So, it is a pleasure to participate with our experience to definition and deployment of reference architecture tools for Health, Tax and other business domains, and to support EU Member States to improve their Digital Public Services. For any detail, please write to

Peritiae offers free support to Hospitals' IT

COVID-19 Disease
Se siete operatori IT nella sanità, siamo a vostra disposizione, volontariamente, per qualsiasi Vostra necessità. Ci potete contattare via email a, via WhatsApp al +39 346 3691311 oppure sulla nostra pagina Facebook:
Grazie a tutti per ciò che state facendo.
Il Team di Peritiae.
